About Us
Site Safety Be Safe is an independent consulting business strategically based in Griffith – NSW
Strengthening your health & safety program can give your business a competitive edge. This helps you reduce injuries, improve morale, retain employees longer, and reduceabsenteeism in your workplace.
We understand that small to medium businesses are often unable to afford a dedicated work health and safety resource full time. This is where Site Safety – Be Safe steps into the breach and provides that essential support.
An initial audit and gap analysis enables us to quickly see the full picture, then to work with you and within your budget to implement a safety management system that ensures you are compliant.

Implementation is simplified through our COST-EFFECTIVE safety management system to help you manage your existing documents. Are you lacking all the required documents? Not an issue! Site Safety – Be Safe can still work with you to provide a straightforward solution that meets your compliance requirements.
We don’t just offer WHS advise, We provide practical solutions

Our Approach
Proactive & Friendly Approach
A Site Safety Be Safe offers a proactive & friendly approach to create a dynamic workplace safety culture designed to improve business performance We will come to your workplace, review and assess your needs, discuss the best approach and work in partnership with you to get the work done. We work with you by listening first and then applying our expertise to create a dynamic culture of workplace health and safety.
We Listen. We Lead.
Continuous Improvement
By continually assessing workplace risks and hazards, developing and refining safety procedures, and providing ongoing training and education to employees, businesses can ensure a safe and healthy
work environment that meets the evolving needs of their workforce.

Support & Dedication
By providing guidance, expertise, and support every step of the way, Site Safety-Be Safe can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest safety standards and regulations, while also providing peace of mind that their employees are working in a safe and healthy environment.
As a small business, are you operating safely?
99% will say yes, and the majority are performing to safety standards, however …
Problems arise when businesses need to demonstrate they are operating safely. Verifiable evidence
can be provided through documented procedures; evidence of incidents and action plans; a history
of implementing improved controls over time; evidence of consultation with workers and
contractors; training records and refreshing, monitoring work practices; inspecting sites; and
reviewing your performance regularly – to name a few.

Site Safety – Be Safe can take away the stress of uncertainty and assist your business to meet its
WHS responsibilities – simply – efficiently – cost effectively
Our Services
We provide expert health and safety consulting services to help you ensure a safe and healthy workplace. Count on us to assess risks, develop strategies, and implement effective solutions.
Expert advice for businesses to maintain a safe workplace and comply with legal obligations. We provide practical solutions, verbal or written, and maintain confidentiality. Our goal is to help businesses create a safety culture that enhances productivity and profitability.
We provide SWMS, JSA, SWP, SOP, and other OHS/WHS documents tailored to your business needs. Our experts can assess and recommend the necessary documents, or review and formalize existing ones into a user-friendly, integrated safety management system or plan. Contact us for assistance.
Tailored OHS/WHS plan to manage your business obligations. We review your activities and provide a unique SMS/SMP, avoiding online systems' drawbacks. We guide you through risk assessment, consultative process, policies, safe work systems, audit/inspection checklists, and staff training. Contact us for expert support.
Site Safety - Be Safe provides Safety Audits and Gap Analysis services to identify areas where businesses may have issues with health and safety compliance. This helps to improve workplace safety culture, minimize risks, and ensure legal compliance with WHS legislation.
Site Safety - Be Safe offers workplace WHS inspection and risk assessment services to identify hazards, assess risks, and provide cost-effective treatment options. They assist businesses in identifying and controlling workplace hazards, developing workplace
Site Safety - Be Safe offers assistance with Emergency Preparedness to ensure your workplace is ready to respond in case of accidents or emergencies. We can help with the formulation of Emergency Plans, Traffic Management Plans, First Aid Kit validation, and more.
We provides advice and strategy for effective contractor WHS management. We can assist in developing compliant contractor WHS management systems to cover pre-qualification, evaluation, and monitoring, as well as advise on the duty of care principle and best industry practices.
We provide injury management services to help organisations navigate the fallout of workplace injuries and illness. Our services include support in managing workers compensation claims, providing rehabilitation services, and minimising the financial and reputational costs associated with workplace injuries.
Site Safety-Be Safe's WHS consultants provide workplace incident investigation services in Australia, including the identification of incident root causes and implementation of corrective actions to prevent future occurrences.
Site Safety-Be Safe offers assessments to improve workplace safety and prevent incidents. These include OHS improvement plans, workplace lighting assessments, noise assessments, and ergonomics assessments. These services help identify potential risks and provide solutions to reduce the likelihood of incidents occurring.